
The Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System (FDLRS) provides an array of instructional support services to exceptional student education programs in school districts statewide. 
FDLRS provides the following programs and services for individuals working with students with disabilities (SWD), their families, and support agencies:

  • Assist in the location, identification, evaluation and initiation of appropriate education or other needed services for children and youth, birth through 21 years of age who have, or are at risk of developing, special unique needs and are not enrolled in public school. (Child Find)
  • Plan collaboratively with school districts and other professional development entities to provide information, professional development and technical assistance and follow-up related to effective instructional strategies. (Human Resource Development)
  • Assist school districts and families who have children who are exceptional or have special or unique needs to develop effective partnerships allowing shared responsibility to improve the education of all children and youth. (Parent Services)
  • Assist and support school district professional staff and families of students with disabilities in the appropriate use of assistive and instructional technology, assistive technology (AT), related services, universal design principles and technology that enhance learning and communication. (Technology)

Contact US


Arthur Ashe Campus

1701 NW 23rd Ave.

Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33301 

Phone: 754-321-3400

Staff Directory